Mindd Community Builders
A community is a group of people with a shared interest in a certain topic. You can’t create them. They already exist. The art of a company or association is to find communities and connect with them in a sustainable way. This requires clear and unambiguous communication and preferably technology.
we love doing & building
Mindd Community co-creates and executes corporate strategies for a range of nationally and internationally operating companies. The implementation goes beyond advice. We love doing and building. For example, we develop MVPs (Minimal Viable Products), set up and execute SEO strategies, and develop complete platforms where communities can come together.
what exactly does mindd do?
Our job is to make companies grow through communities. We create value over time by doing. Think of us as meaningful content creators, seasoned strategists, 2D and 3D designers, SEO experts, or as app-, web-, and platform builders.
We do it all and for a wide variety of clients.
who does mindd work for?
We work for many brands, but we don’t care much which one it is. And if you’re not a brand yet, we’re happy to help you on your way. Because of our character, our approach and speed of work, we thrive best within companies that are in difficult waters, within departments of corporate companies that want to innovate, and family businesses or companies founded by their directors. But we don’t shy away from startups either. Provided they are ambitious and innovative, of course. After all, by working on something that is already out there, we quickly lose our passion.

where does mindd come from?
We are a small team of passionate professionals, each with more than 20 years of experience. We have been working together in the field of Marketing, Communication and (Software) Development for over 15 years. Since 2014 we do so under the name Mindd. The second “D” is pronounced “The” because then a lot can be put behind our name. Such as Mind(The) Community, as well as Mind(The) People, Nature, Commerce, Design, and much more.
the proof is in the pudding
We wouldn’t know so much about marketing and communication if we hadn’t been doing it for years. That also applies to our knowledge of communities and platforms. We have developed (global) platforms for clients such as HTC, Samsung, LG, Philips and many others. Although what you do for someone else on assignment is fun, we wondered if we could also do it for ourselves. That’s why we started our own platform in 2017 to connect to our own community: CallTheONE.com.
“An investment
– Benjamin Franklin –
in knowledge
pays the
best interest.“
CallTheONE is our playground where we can try out everything we don’t know yet and want to explore. From SEO optimization to conversion increase, and from site speed optimization to App innovation. We do everything ourselves and learn from our mistakes so we can prevent them from happening to you. So our knowledge doesn’t just come out of a handbook. We learn by doing and like to put our experience into practice.