[mindd showcase]
O2Indo SEO Optimized Site
O2INDO is a company that facilitates oxygen therapy in Indonesia. You can do this relatively new therapy by appointment and under supervision at gyms and therapists. Oxygen therapy and its advantages are still very unknown to the general public. An excellent opportunity to use social media advertising and influencers as well as a sustainable SEO strategy.
The combination of the words “oxygen” and “therapy” has a low search volume within search engines. The word combinations “therapy”, “vitality”, “recover” and “performance” are words with which you can generate a lot of traffic.

That’s why this has been the starting point and why we initiated to generate traffic through various articles. Articles that are not about oxygen, but about the benefits and for what oxygen therapy can be a remedy.

Responsible for:
- SEO Strategy
- Concept & design
- Platform Development
- Photography
- Project support

how can you rank if no one is looking for your product?
Just like in showcase O2INDO it is important to make sure that you are listed high in the search results when people search for the words that directly relate to your core product or service. You won’t be able to generate much organic traffic in the beginning, but in the end, you will have a lot of domain authority. In addition, you will be able to do the following:
1. get organic traffic by publishing about benefits
In order to generate a lot of organic traffic, you will need to publish content on topics that are directly related. For example, about the benefits, the development of your service or product, and the innovation it will bring.
For example: When Tesla was developing her first electric car, nobody was looking for “electric driving”. What people did look for were terms like “economical car”, “modern car”, “technological innovation car”, etc. So those were the words that could be used to write content that brought a lot of traffic to the site.

2. higher rankings by influencers
Higher rankings by using influencers is not a proven method, but it does produce good results on a regular basis. If the influencer(s) can bring a lot of traffic to the site.
If a website or page within the site gets a lot of traffic, this will be noticed by the search engines. There is therefore a chance that the search engines will show this content more often in different types of searches.
In addition, a lot of traffic caused by influencers contributes to the Page Authority and Domain Authority which has a big influence on the ranking.

3. partner links
In the case of O2INDO, the company initially wanted to send all mailings itself and take care of promotion. By having its partners do this, those partners had to refer to O2INDO on their site, social media, and in their email.
Search engines see this as a positive sign that you have something important to say. It is similar to a person saying about himself that he is great or 100 other people saying about the person that he is great. The more people talk about you online the better for the ranking of your site and pages.

4. unique photography
All content on a website can rank high in search engines. So do photos and videos. Sometimes it is cheaper to use stock photography. The disadvantage of this is that several people use the same photo and search engines, therefore, give little value to those photos.
By shooting your own photos, the chance that your site, page, and even photo will be highly ranked is much more likely. To keep this photoshoot affordable you can organize a photoshoot in Bali, just like we did before O2INDO. With a little creativity, this can even be cheaper than using stock photography.